Architecture Design IV
The studio investigates design by utilising environmental features and circumstances for human and environmental sustainability through a project with a particular group of users within a specified setting in Semester 4, which has as its topic "engaging environment and community." Studies of previous design initiatives that address sustainability and environmental concerns are part of the programmes.
Project 1A
Site Analysis & Design Response (Group)
Site Evaluation and Planning A response demonstrates comprehension of the intervention's context. Students will visit the site in their designated tutorial groups to determine the tangible and intangible elements that contribute to the site's unique character.
Project 1B
Design Esquisse -Architectural Allotment (Small Group)
Project 1B, which is being produced concurrently with Project 1A, focuses on the comprehension of materiality about user experience inside the Kebun Komuniti Plan. Students will divide into smaller groups (3–4) to design an Architectural Allotment within the framework of each tutorial group's Kebun Komuniti Plan. This assignment aims to demonstrate architectural form as a construct of materiality for a suggested set of plant-cultivation-related activities.
Project 2
USJ7 Kebun Komuniti Center
The project involves designing a USJ7 Kebun Komuniti Centre to be located in the USJ7 suburban community. A nonprofit project offering job opportunities for youth with disabilities is now housed on this property. Complete design ideas including results from precedent research and site study are expected of students.